帖子: 213
注册时间: 2012-06-12 11:56


首先,由于surecode在win7 64位下无法安装(就这还叫专业软件)。所以DTS没戏了,WV的混合模式速度像跑MCTD,而且解码很蛋疼。



ct aac+

neroaac 2pass,7.1支持(其余的没测过)
qtaac cvbr
faac mian级别和长期预测支持
fhgaac 不知道
ct aac+ Mono编码(这个我用不着)


ct aac+

e <wav_file> <bitstream_file> [options]
--br - Set bitrate (CBR) to <bitrate> bps. Default is 128000
--mono - Encode as Mono
--ps - Enable Parametric Stereo (bitrates up to 56000)
--is - Independent Stereo, disables Joint Stereo M/S coding
--dc - Prefer Dual Channels
--he - Encode as HE-AAC (bitrate up to 128000/213335)
--lc - Encode as LC-AAC (bitrate up to 320000)
--high - Encode as HE-AAC with High Bitrates
(bitrates up to 256000, multichannel is not supported)
--speech - Tune for Speech
--pns - Enable Perceptual Noise Subsitution (PNS)
--mpeg2aac - Force MPEG2 AAC stream
--mpeg4aac - Force MPEG4 AAC stream
--rawpcm <rate> <cnt> <bp> - Signal RAW PCM input instead of WAV
<rate> - Samplerate in Hz (32000, 44100 or 48000)
<cnt> - Channels count (1 or 2)
<bp> - Bit's per sample (8 or 16)
WARNING: this encoder can read and encode data from stdin:
use - as input filename
The output can be a raw .aac file or a MPEG4 ISO compilant .mp4/.m4a


--cbr <bitrate> : encode in CBR mode, bitrate=8..576
--vbr <preset> : encode in VBR mode, preset=1..5 [default]
--profile <auto|lc|he|hev2> : choose AAC profile (only for CBR mode)
auto : automatically choose the optimum profile according to the bitrate [default]
lc : force use LC-AAC profile
he : force use HE-AAC (AAC+SBR) profile
hev2 : force use HE-AAC v2 (AAC+SBR+PS) profile
--adts : use ADTS container instead of MPEG-4
--ignorelength : ignore the size of data chunk when encoding from pipe
--quiet : don't print the progress

neroAacEnc [options] -if <input-file> -of <output-file>
<input-file> : Path to source file to encode.
The file must be in Microsoft WAV format and contain PCM data.
Specify - to encode from stdin.
<output-file> : Path to output file to encode to, in MP4 format.
Available options:
Quality/bitrate control:
-q <number> : Enables "target quality" mode.
<number> is a floating-point number in 0...1 range.
-br <number> : Specifies "target bitrate" mode.
<number> is target bitrate in bits per second.
-cbr <number> : Specifies "target bitrate (streaming)" mode.
<number> is target bitrate in bits per second.
When neither of above quality/bitrate options is used
the encoder defaults to equivalent of -q 0.5
Multipass encoding:
-2pass : Enables two-pass encoding mode.
Note that two-pass more requires a physical file as input,
rather than stdin.
-2passperiod : Overrides two-pass encoding bitrate averaging period,
<number> : in milliseconds.
: Specify zero to use least restrictive value possible
Advanced features / troubleshooting:
-lc : Forces use of LC AAC profile (HE features disabled)
-he : Forces use of HE AAC profile (HEv2 features disabled)
: Forces use of HEv2 AAC profile
Note that the above switches (-lc, -he, -hev2) should not be
used; optimal AAC profile is automatically determined from
quality/bitrate settings when no override is specified.
-ignorelength : Ignores length signaled by WAV headers of input file.
Useful for certain frontends using stdin.

--cbr bitrate
Encode the input file in CBR mode. Available bitrate range is 16-320kbps(stereo), 8-256kbps(mono).
--abr bitrate
Encode the input file in ABR mode. Available bitrate range is 16-320kbps(stereo), 8-256kbps(mono).
--cvbr bitrate
Encode the input file in Constrained VBR mode. Available bitrate range is 16-320kbps(stereo), 8-256kbps(mono).
--tvbr quality
Encode the input file in True VBR mode. Available quality range is 0-127. [default]
Enable the high efficiency (HE-AAC) encoder. Cannot be used with True VBR mode.
--samplerate auto | keep | value
Control the samplerate of the output file.

Automatically choose the optimum samplerate according to the bitrate and quality. [default]
Keep the original samplerate (if possible).
Specify the preferred samplerate in Hz. Allowed values are: 8000, 11250, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000

Choose the profile for the fastest encoding speed (identical to --fast in the current QT AAC encoder).
Choose the profile focused on the encoding speed.
Choose the profile with moderate speed and quality.
Choose the profile focused on the encoding quality. [default]
Choose the profile for the highest encoding quality (identical to --high in the current QT AAC encoder).
--title string
Set the title tag.
--artist string
Set the artist tag.
--album string
Set the album title tag.
--albumartist string
Set the album artist tag.
--genre string
Set the genre tag.
--date string
Set the release date tag.
--composer string
Set the composer tag.
--grouping string
Set the grouping tag.
--comment string
Set the commnet tag.
--track number[/total]
Set the track number tag.
--disc number[/total]
Set the disc number tag.
Set the compilation flag.
Ignore the size of data chunk when encoding from pipe.
Do not print the progress.


Usage: faac [options] infiles ...

Quality-related options:
-q <quality> Set default variable bitrate (VBR) quantizer quality in percent.

(default: 100, averages at approx. 120 kbps VBR for a normal
stereo input file with 16 bit and 44.1 kHz sample rate; max.
value 500, min. 10).
-b <bitrate> Set average bitrate (ABR) to approximately <bitrate> kbps.
(max. value 152 kbps/stereo with a 16 kHz cutoff, can be raised
with a higher -c setting).
-c <freq> Set the bandwidth in Hz (default: automatic, i.e. adapts
maximum value to input sample rate).

Input/output options:
- <stdin/stdout>: If you simply use a hyphen/minus sign instead
of an input file name, FAAC can encode directly from stdin,
thus enabling piping from other applications and utilities. The
same works for stdout as well, so FAAC can pipe its output to
other apps such as a server.
-o X Set output file to X (only for one input file)
only for one input file; you can use *.aac, *.mp4, *.m4a or
*.m4b as file extension, and the file format will be set
automatically to ADTS or MP4).
-P Raw PCM input mode (default: off, i.e. expecting a WAV header;
necessary for input files or bitstreams without a header; using
only -P assumes the default values for -R, -B and -C in the
input file).
-R Raw PCM input sample rate in Hz (default: 44100 Hz, max. 96 kHz)

-B Raw PCM input sample size (default: 16, also possible 8, 24, 32
bit fixed or float input).
-C Raw PCM input channels (default: 2, max. 33 + 1 LFE).
-X Raw PCM swap input bytes (default: bigendian).
-I <C[,LFE]> Input multichannel configuration (default: 3,4 which means
Center is third and LFE is fourth like in 5.1 WAV, so you only
have to specify a different position of these two mono channels
in your multichannel input files if they haven't been reordered

MP4 specific options:
-w Wrap AAC data in MP4 container. (default for *.mp4, *.m4a and
-s Optimize MP4 container layout after encoding.
--artist X Set artist to X
--writer X Set writer/composer to X
--title X Set title/track name to X
--genre X Set genre to X
--album X Set album/performer to X
--compilation Mark as compilation
--track X Set track to X (number/total)
--disc X Set disc to X (number/total)
--year X Set year to X
--cover-art X Read cover art from file X
Supported image formats are GIF, JPEG, and PNG.
--comment X Set comment to X

Expert options, only for testing purposes:
--tns Enable coding of TNS, temporal noise shaping.
--no-midside Don't use mid/side coding.
--mpeg-vers X Force AAC MPEG version, X can be 2 or 4
--obj-type X AAC object type. (LC (Low Complexity, default), Main or LTP
(Long Term Prediction)
--shortctl X Enforce block type (0 = both (default); 1 = no short; 2 = no
-r Generate raw AAC bitstream (i.e. without any headers).
Not advised!!!, RAW AAC files are practically useless!!!

--license Show the FAAC license.
--help Show this abbreviated help.
--long-help Show complete help.
上次由 fch1993 在 2012-06-18 18:20,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 213
注册时间: 2012-06-12 11:56

Re: AAC该选哪个

-q 1.00 -ignorelength -if - -of

--mpeg-vers 4 --obj-type Main --shortctl 0 -q 500 -o

--vbr 127 --highest 或-cvbr 1280 --highest

ct aac+似乎不支持多声道。
帖子: 998
注册时间: 2010-09-22 18:32
来自: United Kingdom
联系: 网站

Re: AAC该选哪个


I, personally, for me, believe (obviously sometimes) that my OS choice is right. That's me. I'm not telling you that you should believe it. Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one. (source)

Follow me: @06_taro

帖子: 213
注册时间: 2012-06-12 11:56

Re: AAC该选哪个


eac3to.exe "D:\HENRY_POOLE_IS_HERE_2008_BD-REMUX_HDCLUB\BDMV\STREAM\T4_Audio - English.thd" "D:\HENRY_POOLE_IS_HERE_2008_BD-REMUX_HDCLUB\BDMV\STREAM\T4_Audio - English.dts"

帖子: 998
注册时间: 2010-09-22 18:32
来自: United Kingdom
联系: 网站

Re: AAC该选哪个

eac3to "input" stdout.wav | ffmpeg -i - -strict experimental "output.dts"

I, personally, for me, believe (obviously sometimes) that my OS choice is right. That's me. I'm not telling you that you should believe it. Learn the facts, and the origins behind the facts, and make up your own damn mind. That's why you have one. (source)

Follow me: @06_taro

帖子: 213
注册时间: 2012-06-12 11:56

Re: AAC该选哪个

帖子: 600
注册时间: 2011-02-19 0:49

Re: AAC该选哪个

aac个人喜好qaac --tvbr 128
Delogo LGD Collections 各种台标下载 | Home Of VapourSynth Evolution

1. 誰も知らない
2. 質問文が意味不明
3. 知ってるが、お前の態度が気に入らない
4. 良いボケが思いつかない
帖子: 197
注册时间: 2010-09-25 12:59

Re: AAC该选哪个

msg7086 写了:aac个人喜好qaac --tvbr 128
--tvbr 最高不是 127 吗?

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