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DTDecimate - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步脚本

发表于 : 2013-08-01 21:32
某DVD为混合片源,有100+集,做了20集终于蛋碎了 {:cat_5}


第一部分的帧数是5的倍数,第二部分的是 第一部分的尾帧+剩余帧


DTDecimate(clip c1, clip c2, string dec, string pp, bool first, string tc){



代码: 全选

\.	 DTDecimate(clip2)
\.	 BillyTC(clip3)
\.	 DTDecimate(clip4)

代码: 全选

\.	 BillyTC(clip2)
\.	 BillyTC(clip3)
\.	 DTDecimate(clip4)

代码: 全选

v0=BlankClip(length=100, width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12", fps=30000, fps_denominator=1001,color=$000000).killaudio()
v1=BlankClip(length=101, width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12", fps=30000, fps_denominator=1001,color=$000000).killaudio()
v2=BlankClip(length=102, width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12", fps=30000, fps_denominator=1001,color=$FFFFFF).killaudio()
v3=BlankClip(length=103, width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12", fps=30000, fps_denominator=1001,color=$000000).killaudio()
v4=BlankClip(length=104, width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12", fps=30000, fps_denominator=1001,color=$000000).killaudio()

v0.	DTDecimate(first=true)
\. 	DTDecimate(v1)
\.	DTDecimate(v2)
\.	DTDecimate(v3)
\.	DTDecimate(v4)

代码: 全选

# timecode format v1
Assume 23.976024
Download: [syntax lang="avisynth" lines="f" filename="DTDecimate.avsi"]
### Requirements:
### "TIVTC"
### "FDecimate"
### "BillyTC" http://www.nmm-hd.org/newbbs/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1071

Function DTDecimate(clip c1, clip "c2", string "dec", string "pp", bool "first", string "tc"){

dec = Default(dec, "TDecimate()")
pp = Default(pp, "")
tc = Default(tc, "timecodes_v1.txt")
first = Default(first, false)
b2 = Defined(c2)

first = b2 ? false : first


f1 = c1.framecount
f2 = b2 ? c2.framecount : NOP

L1 = c1.trim(f1-1,-1).AssumeFps(24000,1001)
L2 = b2 ? c2.trim(f2-1,-1).AssumeFps(24000,1001) : NOP

d1 = (b2 == True)
\? c1
\: (first == False)
\? c1
\: (f1 % 5 == 0)
\? Eval("c1.TD(dec)" + chr(10) + pp)
\: (f1 % 5 == 1)
\? Eval("c1.TD(dec) + L1" + chr(10) + pp)
\: Eval("c1.TD(dec) + c1.FD() + L1" + chr(10) + pp)

d2 = (b2 == false)
\? NOP
\: (f2 % 5 == 0)
\? Eval("c2.TD(dec)" + chr(10) + pp)
\: (f2 % 5 == 1)
\? Eval("c2.TD(dec) + L2" + chr(10) + pp)
\: Eval("c2.TD(dec) + c2.FD() + L2"+ chr(10) + pp)

f_d1 = d1.framecount
f_d2 = isclip(d2) ? d2.framecount : NOP


a1 = (f1 % 5 ==0)
\? NOP
\: String(f_d1-1) + "," + String(f_d1-1) + "," + String(last_fps(c1))
a2 = (b2 == False)
\? NOP
\: (f2 % 5 == 0)
\? NOP
\: String(f_d1-1+f_d2) + "," + String(f_d1-1+f_d2) + "," + String(last_fps(c2))

o1 = "first ? d1.trim(0,f_d1-2).BillyTC(tc=tc) + d1.trim(f_d1-1,-1).AssumeFps(24000,1001) : c1.BillyTC(tc=tc)"
o2 = "d1.BillyTC(d2.trim(0,f_d2-2),tc=tc) + d2.trim(f_d2-1,-1).AssumeFps(d1.framerate)"


return (b2 == False && f1 % 5 == 0)
\? d1.BillyTC(tc=tc)
\: (b2 == False)
\? Eval(o1).WriteFileStart(tc, "a1", append=True )
\: (f2 % 5 == 0)
\? d1.BillyTC(d2,tc=tc)
\: Eval(o2).WriteFileStart(tc, "a2", append=True )


Function TD(clip src,string "dec"){

fc = src.framecount

return Eval("src.trim(0,fc-1-fc%5)." + dec)


Function FD(clip src){

fc = src.framecount

return src.trim(fc-1-fc%5,fc-1).FDecimate(23.976024).trim(1,0)


Function last_fps(clip src){

fc = src.framecount

return (fc % 5 == 1)
\? pFrac2Str(30000,1001,6)
\: (fc % 5 == 2)
\? pFrac2Str(40000,1001,6)
\: (fc % 5 == 3)
\? pFrac2Str(60000,1001,6)
\: (fc % 5 == 4)
\? pFrac2Str(120000,1001,6)
\: 0



Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-01 22:59
Billy Herrington
Scripts are tl;dr, so what is the difference between your examples and the following:

代码: 全选

\    .BillyTC(clip2.TDecimate.checkmate(tthr2=1))
\    .BillyTC(clip3)
\    .BillyTC(clip4.TDecimate)

代码: 全选

\    .BillyTC(clip2)
\    .BillyTC(clip3)
\    .BillyTC(clip4.TDecimate)
And btw, checkmate was designed to be used on interlaced materials, thus normally one should use it before field matchers or deinterlacers, but not after IVTC/deint. Though it can still work, it is not guaranteed to work as expected. This is because dot crawls and rainbows are resulted from the transmission of composite video, while most of the materials in such transmissions are interlaced videos, either video type or already pulldowned film type. When one deals with it one should remove them first and then do ivtc/deint afterwards.

Generally, video processing should use exactly the reversed order that how the artefacts turned up. Normally the last few steps of problems are:
blocking(from transcoding)
dot crawl/rainbow(from transmitting)

so, to combat with them, we should follow such an order:

Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-02 1:21
主要解决 帧数不为5的倍数的24d 删除重复帧后音画不同步的问题

代码: 全选

clip1=blankclip(101,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #24d 用TDecimate后变为80帧 1001/30000*101-1001/24000*80  从此处视频约减少33毫秒
clip2=blankclip(100,pixel_type="yv12",fps=60000,fps_denominator=1001) #60p 
clip3=blankclip(102,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #24d 用TDecimate后变为81帧 1001/30000*102-1001/24000*81 从此处视频约减少25毫秒
clip4=blankclip(100,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #30p
clip5=blankclip(103,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #24d 用TDecimate后变为82帧 1001/30000*103-1001/24000*82 从此处视频约减少167毫秒
clip6=blankclip(100,pixel_type="yv12",fps=60000,fps_denominator=1001) #60p
clip7=blankclip(104,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #24d 用TDecimate后变为83帧 1001/30000*104-1001/24000*83 从此处视频约减少8毫秒
clip8=blankclip(100,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #30p
clip9=blankclip(105,pixel_type="yv12",fps=30000,fps_denominator=1001) #24d 用TDecimate后变为84帧 1001/30000*105-1001/24000*84 = 0 视频时间不变

代码: 全选

\    .BillyTC(clip2)
\    .BillyTC(clip3)  
\    .BillyTC(clip4)
\    .BillyTC(clip5)  
\    .BillyTC(clip6)
\    .BillyTC(clip7)  
\    .BillyTC(clip8)
\    .BillyTC(clip9) 

代码: 全选

# timecode format v1
Assume 29.970030

代码: 全选

\    .BillyTC(clip2)
\    .BillyTC(clip3.TDecimate())  
\    .BillyTC(clip4)
\    .BillyTC(clip5.TDecimate())  
\    .BillyTC(clip6)
\    .BillyTC(clip7.TDecimate())  
\    .BillyTC(clip8)
\    .BillyTC(clip9.TDecimate())  

代码: 全选

# timecode format v1
Assume 23.976024

代码: 全选

       TDecimate  		             ori
clip1	3.336667 	-0.033367 	3.370033 
clip2	1.668333 	-0.033367 	1.668333 
clip3	3.378375 	-0.058392 	3.403400 
clip4	3.336667 	-0.058392 	3.336667 
clip5	3.420083 	-0.075075 	3.436767 
clip6	1.668333 	-0.075075 	1.668333 
clip7	3.461792 	-0.083417 	3.470133 
clip8	3.336667 	-0.083417 	3.336667 
clip9	3.503500 	-0.083417 	3.503500 

代码: 全选

\    .BillyTCmod(clip2)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip3,true)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip4)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip5,true)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip6)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip7,true)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip8)
\    .BillyTCmod(clip9,true)

代码: 全选

# timecode format v1
Assume 23.976024

我觉得如果DVD是hard pulldown,要用在IVTC之前
dot crawl/rainbow(from transmitting)

但如果DVD是soft pulldown,要用在IVTC之后,因为源本来就是24p
dot crawl/rainbow(from transmitting)

Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-03 0:52
Billy Herrington
About dedot/derainbow:

If source is soft pulldown and dot crawl/rainbow lays on the pre-transcoded pictures, you should either force film to skip useless telecine+IVTC and directly use 24p contents, or do dedot/derainbow before apply RFF on raw contents if it is hybrid contents and you could not force film. It is a little bit hard to realize in avs, but can easily archived in vapoursynth via d2vsource, with which decoding and applying RFF can be used separately using bitstream flags. In avs it is possible to only decode raw streams but applying correct RFF flags on hybrid sources is really a pain....

And I really doubt if re-mastered soft pulldown with dot crawl/rainbow is mastered correctly. Because in a correct 24p mastering process, composite video transmission should never be invoked, so in some step the makers must have use the incorrect process which, AFAIK, usually are used for producing composite video, and most of composite video process works on interlaced materials, so there is very likely to be a film->telecined->film transforming, for which dot crawl/rainbow is still produced on interlaced raws and should be removed after before IVTC.

And more generally, those soft pulldown films with dot crawl/rainbow might not be re-mastered, but only contain old materials which suffer terrible artefacts before being used to create DVDs. In those cases, dot crawl and rainbow is still produced in interlaced forms before official IVTC, so you would like to apply RFF (using honor flags) to revert official IVTC, do dedot/derainbow, and play with following filters....

Actually, many derainbow/dedot filters follow the same way. They always assume the sources are interlaced materials, and internally use SeparateFields/Weave before/after processing. I didn't find source codes of checkmate, but with my limited experience I believe it works in the same or similar logic.

About TDecimate problem:

TDecimate problem for non-mod-5 frame numbers is not BillyTC's problem. BillyTC does what it should, but TDecimate's solution is not perfect (though it is what it can do best). And your solution is probably the worst. Because even if you're decimating from a 102 frames clip and you find the last 2 frames cannot be processed without changing to an accurate 4/5 PTS, the fact that those two frames are still 24p->telecine->30i materials does not change. If you want to keep them as 30fps, the correct method is using RFF flags for them and mark your encoded video as hybrid one.

Let's make it easier to understand. If we have only 7 frames in line after telecine and the frame sequence contains a moving object of a constant speed. Now after field matching, each interval between two different neighbour frames is exactly the same, so let's call it 1 distant unit. The accurate time for 1 distant unit is 1/24s. When we decimate the first 5 frames to 4, the repeat frame was removed and they move smoothly. After them we process the last 2 frames, they're either two same(repeated) pictures in which case your solution keeps they two as 30fps and you'll get the object staying too long (1/30*2s per distant unit instead of correct 1/24s distant unit) in that position, or they're two different pictures in which case your solution keeps they two as 30fps and you'll get the object moving too fast (1/30s per distant unit instead of 1/24s per distant unit). Would you like to call it correct? I wouldn't.

Yes. The problem is when film clips contains a non-mod-5 frame number, it cannot be decimated perfectly. When you keep all in 24p by either remain or decimate from all combinations of fields from different camara time, the video and audio is not synced correctly. But still, forcing the remains with 30000/1001 is much more inaccurate and people can be more sensitive to that, if it is a smoothly moving scene. I can even easily produce jerky three-frame sequence using this method. Perfection not only covers the timing in final result of each segment, but also the timing of every single frame. If you only count for the syncness regardless of the motion smooth, it is just a hacky trick, not a solution. I personally would rather accept the unsyncness than that.

And if you just want to prevent TDecimate's unsync error from accumulating to cause large unsyncness, I would like to recommand you to find some 24p scenes that the remain frames of frame_num/5 are all different, and use ovr of TDecimate to keep them all (or in other words, stop TDecimate from decimating one more frame by mistake in this case). If you get some scene in which you need to decimate more, and some scene you need to decimate less, generally video and audio will remain somehow synced, though not perfect.

If you want a perfect solution, you would probably want to take a try on interpolation of missing camara time. On such a scene change frame(last frame in the scene), use the motion vector from the previous frame and the current frame to generate one or even more pictures, compensating the shortened time while carefully keep the moving smooth. It is not a difficult mathematical problem, but you need to know some motion compensating.

Anyway, it should not be done in a timecodes creating filter. It must be used as a post-compensating filter of TDecimate. The correct way of using it might be:
decimated = TDecimate()
remain = TDCompensate(decimated, last) # for example, 8.341667ms was cut by TDecimate, TDCompensate generates a frame of 8.341667ms
\ .BillyTC(remain)

# timecodes v1
Assume 23.976023
80,80,119.880120 # compensated frame of 8.341667ms generated by TDCompensate

And more generally, it should be a process within TDecimate. For example, adds an option in TDecimate to do such a compensation and in the same time outputs a timecodes file for such a vfr result. Though it will make it difficult to use with BillyTC, TDecimate or any post-decimate aid-filter with automatically timecodes outputing is the best role to deal with the timing error. Suppose you only want to decimate a 40001-frame 24d video without any further appending, you would never like to bother with BillyTC, but if you want a perfect result, you still want to do the compensation after the last frame after decimating, so it is absolutely not an option to always do it manually. The difference from this example and your example is that when not being appended, the unsyncness is negligible, but when being appended, the accumulated error is huge that you cannot endure.

So, fix it in TDecimate, or ovr to keep it in a negligible level. Do not try to touch it outside TDecimate's workshop when the error was generated there.

Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-03 16:04
比如,对于bad edit带来的无法场匹配的问题,tfm默认允许SC帧使用u\n匹配,而不是deint



Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-03 22:36
Billy Herrington
Changing the duration of only the last frame does make things better, but still not perfect.

If the last frame duration is reduced, the duration of each position is default_duration, default_duration, ..., default_duration, default_duration, default_duration - x. People expect default_furation but it is shorter. Given it is the last frame in the scene, it is acceptable.

If the last frame duration is increased, the duration of each position is default_duration, default_duration, ..., default_duration, default_duration, default_duration + x. People expect default_furation but it is longer. At the point that default_duration is passed since last frame was displayed, people expect another frame to be insert with compensated object position, which will be displayed for min(default_duration, x). And if x is still larger than default_duration, again it needs to be splitted into two parts - default_duration and x'. The process is recursive. What if we don't do this and only makes the last frame stay longer? Suppose in an extremely ugly case, TDecimate did a 10000-in-100000 decimate on a 109999 frame clip, and lost 1000 frames in the last section. Now you make all the frames last 40ms, but to compensate the lost display time, force the last frame stay for 40*(9/10)*1000=36000ms. If the pictures contain constant moving object, how can you explain the terrible frame duration to others? Telling them they're watching Evangelion? Of cause such bad case would never take place in TDecimate, but it can easily explain why your solution is not good for the cases in which frame duration needs to be increased.

Sadly in most cases tdecimated scenes need compensated frames, because TDecimate usually removes more frames than expected. If it changed its logic to keeping more frames than expected, your thought of only changing the duration of last frame was good enough for me.

TFM's u/b matching on scenecut is totally different thing. Whether using u/b matching or not, in theory, does not depend on whether the p/c-matching incapable frame can be matched by u/b or not, but depends on whether the frame is film or video type. Being incapable for normally matching does not change whether it is supposed to have a right p/c matching if not cut in scene change or it is a real interlaced video type frame. Usually it is not a bad edit, but just a consequence of being cut on scene change so that the to-be-normally-matched half field is missing by cutting. It is still film type frame, so even if you might get more information of one more field by half field compensation, it is generally not a good way to do so. But if that single frame is really video type, it should be deinterlaced than using u/b matching, naturally. Actually from that we can see, it is better to do things correct than to use a trick to make things more attractive but incorrect.

Re: BillyTC mod - 删除24d重复帧并保持音画同步

发表于 : 2013-08-05 12:48