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注册时间: 2011-01-26 13:37


帖子: 138
注册时间: 2010-09-25 16:16

Re: 求问FFT3DGPU+GrainOptimizer的使用

FFT3DGPU(clip, float "sigma", float "beta", int "bw", int "bh", int "bt", float "sharpen", int "plane", int "mode", int "bordersize", int "precision", bool "NVPerf", float "degrid", float "scutoff", float "svr", float "smin", float "smax", float "kratio", int "ow", int "oh", int "wintype" , int "interlaced", float "sigma2", float "sigma3", float "sigma4", bool "oldfft" )

Function parameters:
clip: the clip to filter. The clip must be YV12 or YUY2.

sigma and beta has the same meaning as in fft3dfilter. Default=2.

sigma2, sigma3, sigma4 If specified controls the sigma value for highest(sigma) to lowest frequency(sigma4). Default=sigma

bw,bh: blockwide and block height. It should be a power of 2 ie valid values is 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 (note that bw should be greater than 4 for best result). Default=32

bt: mode. bt=-1 sharpen only, bt=0 kalman filtering, bt=1 is 2d filtering, bt=2 uses the current and previous frame, bt=3 uses the previous current and next frame, bt=4 uses the two previous frames, the current and next frame. default 3

sharpen: positive values sharpens the image, negative values blurs the image. 0 disables sharpening. Default 0.

plane: 0 filters luma, 1,2 and 3 filters Chroma (both U and V). 4 filters both luma and chroma. Default 0.

mode: 0 only overlaps 1:1. This is faster but produces artifacts with high sigma values.
mode=1 block overlaps 2:1. This is slower but produces fewer artifacts.
mode=2 again 1:1 overlap but with a additional border. This reduces border artifacts seen with mode=0. The speed is between mode 0 and 1.
Kalman(bt=0) works well with mode=0. Default 1

bordersize: only used with mode 2. Defines the size of the border. Default is 1.

precision: 0: to use 16 bit floats(half precision),
1: to use 32 bit float(single precision) for the fft and 16 bit float for the wienner/kalman and sharpening.
2: allways use 32 bit floats.
Using 16 bit float increases the performance but reduces precision. With a Geforce 7800GT precision=0 is ~1.5 times faster than than mode 2. Default=0.

NVPerf: Enables support for NVPerfHUD (http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nvperfhud_home.html). Default false.

degrid: Enables degriding. Only works well with mode=1. Doesn't degrid the Kalman filter (but it does degrid the sharpening (if enabled) after kalman filter). default 1.0 for mode=1, 0.0 for mode=0 or 2

scutoff, svr, smin, smax:Same meaning as fft3dfilter. Controls the sharpening. default scutoff=0.3, svr=1.0, smin=4.0, smax=20.0

kratio: same as fft3dfilter. Control the threshold for reseting the Kalman filter. Default 2.0

ow,oh: this only works with mode=1. This specifies how big the overlap between the blocks are. Overlap size must be less than or equal to half the blocksize. Ow must be even. Default: ow=bw/2 ,oh=bh/2

wintype: Change the analysis and syntesis window function. Same as fft3dfilter

interlaced: Set to true for separate filtering for each field. Default=false.

oldfft: Set to true to use the old fftcode (used in version 0.6.2 and lower) false to use new fft code. If not defined fft3dgpu will use the fastest code.

GrainOptimizer没用过 {:cat_15}
Syntax: GrainOptimizer(clip,denoisedclip,blocksize,strength,tdist,minrep)
Colorspaces supported: YV12 only (YUY2 and YV24 are possible in the future, RGB24/32 are not possible without drastically changing the algorithm.)

可以看下这里 或许可以有一定的收获
帖子: 163
注册时间: 2011-04-10 17:59

Re: 求问FFT3DGPU+GrainOptimizer的使用

denoiser=FFT3DGPU(sigma=2, bt=0, bw=48, bh=48, precision=2, mode=1, wintype=1)
帖子: 192
注册时间: 2011-02-28 19:55
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Re: 求问FFT3DGPU+GrainOptimizer的使用

T: @SAPikachu
帖子: 163
注册时间: 2011-04-10 17:59

Re: 求问FFT3DGPU+GrainOptimizer的使用

帖子: 10
注册时间: 2011-01-26 13:37

Re: 求问FFT3DGPU+GrainOptimizer的使用


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