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Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-26 22:21
> There have been complaints about how ffmpeg/libav
> converts M-bit to N-bit YUV, e.g. see
> http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=161915 which
> I've been asked to look into.

Glad to see the doom9 thread ending up here!

FWIW, the problem applies to RGB, as well, not just to YUV.

> The current code in swscale is based on how 8-bit to
> 16-bit YUV conversions have been done earlier - basically
> duplicating each input byte in the output (e.g. 0xf0 -> 0xf0f0,
> 0x65 -> 0x6565). I believe this is the right thing for full
> range content.

Not necessarily. If you upscale like that, smooth gradiants
will not be perfectly smooth, anymore. IMHO, there are three
ways to upscale full range content:

(1) 10bit = 8bit << 2
(2) 10bit = round(8bit * 1023 / 255) (similar to byte duplicating)
(3) 10bit = dither(8bit * 1023 / 255)

Solution (1) keeps gradiants smooth, but loses a bit of
dynamic range. Solution (2) maintains full dynamic range,
but gradiants are not perfectly smooth, anymore. Solution
(3) keep gradiants smooth *and* maintains full dynamic
range. However, if you try to compress (3), compression
efficiency will go down due to the dither noise. Also (3) will
perform slowest, of course.

My personal favorites are either (1) or (3), while swscale
currently does (2).

Furthermore, the chroma channel needs to be scaled
with signed math, to make sure that 8bit 128 gets properly
scaled to 10bit 512. If you use (1), though, signed math
is not necessary.

> As I can see the issues with the current code is mainly:
> 3) Dithering back to the original bit depth may not
> preserve original value.

I don't see 3) as a problem.

> a) What method should be used for conversion?

For limited range content: Simple shifting.
For full range content: Either (1) or (3). See above.

> b) Should we distinguish between limited and full range YUV?

The only way not to would be to use simple shifting everywhere, IMHO.

Best regards, Mathias.
按照madshi的这说法,Full Range的转换有移位和dither(8bit * 1023 / 255)两种选择,前者最简单平滑并且和Limited Range处理方式统一,但就是1021-1023这段消失了。后者也保持了平滑,但是dither后会对编码效率产生影响,dither本身也会消耗资源,这就抵消了一部分使用10bit的编码效率上的优势了。

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 1:17


对于Full Range,直接采用位移的方法不是很妥当

我用gradfun3处理片源,输出16bit交给x264 10bit编码,效果仍然比输出8bit交给x264 8bit编码更好

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 14:20
實際上full range下chroma有unsign/sign的問題……嘛反正limited range對了就行了,我不關心full range

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 15:53
fullrange YUV的源我几乎没碰到过,据说某些数码相机拍出来的可能是fullrange YUV
并且我找到一份IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification,里面提到了fullrange YUV 8bit,U/V范围是-128~127,按十六进制0x00~0xFF保存


Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 19:34
histamine 写了:fullrange YUV的源我几乎没碰到过,据说某些数码相机拍出来的可能是fullrange YUV
并且我找到一份IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification,里面提到了fullrange YUV 8bit,U/V范围是-128~127,按十六进制0x00~0xFF保存

数码相机一般用的色域是sRGB和Adobe RGB。

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 20:26
taro的O16处理tv range输出10bit给x264的话,是否存在over range的问题呢。

Full range的动画也不是没有啊,DEEN的片子、做的不好的里番都有full range的。最近僵尸的BD里的实拍特典就很乱,有的是tv range,有的是full range,必须一一手动判断。僵尸第二季BD我说什么不做了……谁愿意做谁做-v-

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-27 23:20
mawen1250 写了:数码相机拍出来的不是RGB吗?似乎没有必要用YUV存储。还是说数码相机的摄像功能?
数码相机一般用的色域是sRGB和Adobe RGB。
histamine 写了:据说某些数码相机拍出来的可能是fullrange YUV
http://csclab.murraystate.edu/bob.pilgr ... 01.3.2.pdf
IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification这个标准是用在工业用途上的,可以直接看61页和73页

Fullrange YUV的DVD/HDTV/BD动画片源大多是制作时弄错了吧,让我弄就转换到Limited Range YUV绕开这个问题或者将错就错


Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-28 0:33

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-28 0:47

Re: x264 10bit编码推广讨论

发表于 : 2011-08-29 10:01
O16對limited range是正確的,full range仍然錯誤。現在最新的x264-devel的git裡(未發布stable build)已經更正limited range的8->10算法了,不過full range仍然沒改,結果和目前tMod的一樣。