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Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较

对了,avs 0.01fps的时候也crf
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帖子: 23
注册时间: 2012-08-24 23:48

Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较

Dark Shikari说的:
CRF and 2-pass use identical bit allocation algorithms. All 2-pass does is pick the CRF value that gives the filesize you want. It's still using the CRF algorithm.
哪些片源更适合于2PASS,哪些适合于CRF 2pass看来要靠经验来判断合适的比特率 还是直接crf简单点
假设2PASS和CRF压出来的片子码率一样,质量是否相同 应该相同吧
帖子: 670
注册时间: 2011-07-24 20:33

Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较

在大部分编码环节2 pass和crf是完全一样的,rc过程中2 pass的码率分配结果也是趋向于crf的结果,只不过前者多了个对平均码率的限制来调整最终输出的码率。
所以如果对最终码率没有严格要求的情况下用2 pass完全没有意义,而且由于ratetol的存在还会导致视频首尾质量的不平衡。

当然,如果你1st pass crf和2nd pass bitrate都用相同的参数而且--preset placebo --ratetol inf就当我没说。
帖子: 446
注册时间: 2010-12-25 18:44
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Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较

有明确体积需求用2pass,其余2pass并无明显优点了(倒不如说因为一般低精度1pass的关系,以及LS马文菊苣提到的ratetol相关,以及2pass相当于多跑一遍1pass的时间,反倒是不如crf的地方很多;另外由于x264时代以前,rc方式除了2pass也就是qp或1pass br这些不够好的rc方式了,此时自然都是选择2pass最佳)

1pass crf 用slow firstpass且正常输出片,不满意的话,再继续跑2pass bitrate,满意了就直接拿1pass出的片用就行了
帖子: 66
注册时间: 2011-01-05 16:35

Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较


对ratetol inf参数理解不太好,“视频首尾质量的不平衡。”这样的好象没怎么见过,能举例说明一下吗?
Billy Herrington
帖子: 83
注册时间: 2013-01-09 9:54

Re: 关于2PASS和CRF的比较

about ratetol:

1. Let me read pre-pass stats file, and guess what qp for frame N should be used to match your target bitrate
2. Apply my guess
3. Oh god, my guess is not perfect, the encoded bitrate goes higher than target bitrate * ( 1 + ratetol / 100. )
4. I need to lower bitrate for the following frames
5. Let me read pre-pass stats file, and guess what qp for frame N+1 should be used to match the fixed bitrate
6. Apply my guess
7. Oh god, my guess is not perfect, I lowered the bitrate too much, the encoded bitrate goes too low below target bitrate * ( 1 - ratetol / 100.)
8. I need to raise bitrate for the following frames
9. Let me read pre-pass stats file, and guess what qp for frame N+2 should be used to match the fixed bitrate

Bitrate-based RC: I'm a teapot.

The bitrate correction (lowering/raising) does not always occur at the beginning/end of encoding, but with every frame on which the estimated bitrate does not match the final encoded bitrate. If in one encoding process, the encoded bitrate of first N frames stays within target bitrate * ( 1 +or- ratetol / 100. ), then none of them need a fixed RC process; then if the encoded bitrate of the N+1 frame explodes, the bitrate of the N+2 frame needs to be fxed; and if after this fixing, all the following frames are encoded with perfect RC estimation, then their bitrate will not be fixed either. So in such a case, the 'unbalance' only happens on frame N+2, but not on any frames near the start or the end.

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